I promised myself that I would be the one that would make you happy, but now I'm scared that I don't meet your expectations. I want you to feel how much I like you, and how much I care, but I'm also afraid of expressing it because I'm always worried that you won't like it or appreciate it. I don't know. There's a lot that I'm afraid of and that I'm not sure of. But what I do know is that I want to be there for you. That's all. I want to be a pillar. I want to be someone that you can lean on. Someone that you can depend on. Someone that you can trust. I think that would make me happy. Maybe I'm not thinking enough about myself. But honestly, I think that being the one to make you happy will make me happy. Because when you smile and when I know that I'm the one that caused it, it is enough. So I think that would be enough, for now. I just have to figure out how to do it. No, I already know how to do it. I just have to get rid of this useless fear and worry.